第82章 豌豆花 The Pea Blossom(第3/7 頁)
did certainly fall on the floor, and roll about before they got into the pea-shooter; but they were put in for all that.
“我們會比其他豌豆走得更遠。” 它們說。
“we shall go farther than the others,” said they.
“該發生的總會發生。” 最後一顆豌豆被從豌豆槍裡射出去的時候大聲說道;它一邊說一邊飛起來,撞到了閣樓窗戶下的一塊舊木板上,然後掉進了一個小裂縫裡,裂縫裡幾乎填滿了苔蘚和鬆軟的泥土。
“what is to happen will happen,” exclaimed the last, as he was shot out of the pea-shooter; and as he spoke he flew up against an old board under a garret-window, and fell into a little crevice, which was almost filled up with moss and soft earth.
the moss closed itself round him, and there he lay, a captive indeed, but not unnoticed by God.
“該發生的總會發生。” 它自言自語道。
“what is to happen will happen,” said he to himself.
within the little garret lived a poor woman, who went to clean stoves, chop wood into small pieces and perform such-like hard work, for she was strong and industrious.
Yet she remained always poor, and at home in the garret lay her only daughter, not quite grown up, and very delicate and weak.
For a whole year she had kept her bed, and it seemed as if she could neither live nor die.
“她要去找她的小妹妹了,” 那女人說,“我就只有這兩個孩子,要養活她們倆可不容易;不過仁慈的上帝在我幹活的時候幫了我,把其中一個帶到了他身邊,照顧著她。
“She is going to her little sister,” said the woman; “I had but