首頁 > 其他小說 > 安徒生童話趙丹譯 > 第82章 豌豆花 The Pea Blossom

第82章 豌豆花 The Pea Blossom(第4/7 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 斬神:第七間病房,崩鐵降臨田妹重生:改寫命運之章南木穿越七零:軍婚不好離重生後,我果斷退婚轉嫁冷麵軍少身穿古代,我有房有電還有系統寵仙道有情萌寶復仇:霸總追妻火葬場逗比師妹,癲遍整個修仙圈紅樓熙鳳重生釵釵改命輕咬茉莉宜修重生:手撕純元白蓮花他比春色撩人撿回來的小嬌妹成了我的小嬌妻反撩!薄少誘寵炮灰女配看見閃耀的你鄉村憨憨野丫頭遠離女主後我改命成功了先離後愛,前妻在戀綜市場殺瘋了她發瘋,他偏寵,創翻戀綜沖沖衝

the two children, and it was not an easy thing to support both of them; but the good God helped me in my work, and took one of them to himself and provided for her.


Now I would gladly keep the other that was left to me, but I suppose they are not to be separated, and my sick girl will very soon go to her sister above.”


but the sick girl still remained where she was, quietly and patiently she lay all the day long, while her mother was away from home at her work.


Spring came, and one morning early the sun shone brightly through the little window, and threw its rays over the floor of the room.

就在母親要去幹活的時候,生病的女孩盯著窗戶最下面的一塊玻璃 ——“媽媽,” 她喊道,“從窗戶往裡偷看的那個綠色的小東西會是什麼呀?它在風中晃動呢。”

Just as the mother was going to her work, the sick girl fixed her gaze on the lowest pane of the window— “mother,” she exclaimed, “what can that little green thing be that peeps in at the window? It is moving in the the wind.”


the mother stepped to the window and half opened it.

“哦!” 她說,“居然有一顆小豌豆在這裡生根發芽,長出綠葉來了。它怎麼會掉進這個裂縫裡的呢?嘿,現在這兒有個小花園能讓你解解悶兒了。”

“oh!” she said, “there is actually a little pea which has taken root and is putting out its green leaves. how could it have got into this crack? well now, here is a little garden for you to amuse yourself with.”


