第22章 踩麵包的姑娘 The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf(第2/14 頁)
owed up in a mud puddle.
18 世紀末,這首歌以單面大活頁的形式出版,儘管它有著生硬的說教和拖沓的韻律(“哦,人類的靈魂要記住,\/ 摒棄驕傲的誘惑,\/ 把其他罪惡都拋在身後,\/ 它們是她的毀滅之源……”),但它因激發了漢斯?克里斯蒂安?安徒生(hans christian Andersen)的同名故事而被人們記住。
toward the end of the eighteenth century the song was published as a broadside and despite its heavy - handed morality and plodding rhymes (\"o human soul keep this in mind, \/ Abandon pride’s temptations, \/ And leave all other sins behind, \/ they were her ruination...\") it’s remembered for having inspired hans christian Andersen’s story of the same name.
“英格” 這個名字是安徒生創造的,他可能是受到了斯拉格爾斯(Slagelse)那個令人厭惡的校長的妻子英格?邁斯林(Inger meisling)的啟發。
the name “Inger” was Andersen’s invention, and he may have been inspired by Inger meisling, the wife of the detested schoolmaster in Slagelse.
Andersen freely admitted the role of revenge in his construction of narratives: “many times when people have behaved in an irritating way and I have been unable to hit back, I have written a story and put them into it”.
there was once a girl who trod on a loaf to avoid soiling her shoes, and the misfortunes that happened to her in consequence are well known.
her name was Inge; she was a poor child, but proud and presuming, and with a bad and cruel disposition.