首頁 > 其他小說 > 安徒生童話原版語言 > 第18章 母親的故事 The Story of a Mother

第18章 母親的故事 The Story of a Mother(第2/12 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 璀璨重生之林小婉電影隨筆四合院的是是非非小侍郎重生後被戲精王爺叼回家啦今天也是不想算命的一天迷心雙生重生之我在瀋陽等你一直等到老異能太強,大佬被特殊部門收編了鬼滅:我是柱,不是鬼騎士穿越僵約與馬小玲的愛與守護穿書女配?陰鬱反派索吻狠狠寵!被國足封殺後,在西甲肝屬性成球神八零小炮灰,撩爆男主要上位年代之一家之主可以為所欲為意意相隨禮堂戀時光很野很欲!被京圈太子寵成小公主慧妃她從天界來一人之下:開局蛙崽帶回魔神呂布


I am back again in my quiet danish room, but my thoughts are still with you in England. while occupying myself with a longer work, five stories sprang from my head, as flowers sprout up in the woods. I feel moved to bring you these fresh flowers from the garden of my poetry. I admire all of your books, and since we met, you yourself have bee a fixture in my heart.


dear, noble charles dickens, you were the last to say good - by to me on the shores of England, so it is natural that I should want you to be the first to receive my greeting from denmark, which only an affectionate heart can send.

在安徒生七十歲生日時,他的出版商送給他一本名為《母親的故事:十五種語言版》的特別書籍。《母親的故事》可能是受到了 19 世紀中葉描繪垂死和已逝孩子的繪畫傳統的啟發。

on his seventieth birthday, Andersen’s publishers presented him with a special volume entitled the Story of a mother: In Fifteen Languages. “the Story of a mother” may have been inspired by the mid - nineteenth - century pictorial tradition of representing the dying and deceased child.

1846 年 7 月,也就是這個故事出版的前一年,安徒生在尼姆拜訪了詩人讓?勒布林,並在日記中描述了他家展出的畫像:“牆上掛著兩幅為他的詩配圖的畫。一幅畫著一個垂死的孩子、一個嚴肅的天使,還有一位在痛苦的守夜中睡著了的母親。另一幅是油畫。畫中,天使帶著孩子飛走了,而母親仍然趴在搖籃上。” 安徒生說,有一天他在散步時,這個故事的情節突然就出現在他腦海裡。

In July 1846, a year before the story was published, Andersen had visited the poet Jean Reboul in N?mes and described in his diary the portraits on display i

