首頁 > 其他小說 > 安徒生童話原版語言 > 第18章 母親的故事 The Story of a Mother

第18章 母親的故事 The Story of a Mother(第3/12 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 爆!頂流影帝跟他的白月光領證了!再遇情人草供桌通古今,靠閨蜜囤貨養家開掛了!夫君兼祧兩房?她另攀高枝了被渣夫活埋後,我轉身亂帝心奪鳳位渣夫搶婚白月光,我嫁小叔他瘋了和親歸來後,全京城都被她虐哭了頂罪十年,重生送前夫全家殯天八零嬌妻軟又辣,禁慾教授心要化臣妻難哄逍遙趕山小師爺婚後第三年,她登出身份消失了危!剛重生就惹到必死的王爺八零二婚:閃婚大佬後真香了和離嫁暴君,前夫重生悔斷腸殺世子當寡婦,掀了侯府破落戶被掃地出門?假千金奪回氣運虐翻全家我將黑澀會爆改成民辦派出所彈幕劇透被換崽,真千金重生殺瘋了假千金誓不為奴,重生掀翻侯府

n his home: “on the wall were two pictures illustrating his poem. one showed a dying child, a serious angel, and the mother who has fallen asleep while keeping a painful vigil. the other was an oil - painting. In it, the angel soared off with the child while the mother remained draped over the cradle.” Andersen said that the plot of the story came to him out of the blue, one day while he was taking a walk.



A mother sat there with her little child. She was so downcast, so afraid that it should die! It was so pale, the small eyes had closed themselves, and it drew its breath so softly, now and then, with a deep respiration, as if it sighed; and the mother looked still more sorrowfully on the little creature.


then a knocking was heard at the door, and in came a poor old man wrapped up as in a large horse - cloth, for it warms one, and he needed it, as it was the cold winter season! Everything out - of - doors was covered with ice and snow, and the wind blew so that it cut the face.


As the old man trembled with cold, and the little child slept a moment, the mother went and poured some ale into a pot and set it on the stove, that it might be warm for him; the old

