第117頁(第1/3 頁)
[1]&ldo;good olstro?&rdo;enoist,noveber 30,2002.
[2]thoas edsall,&ldo;lott renounces white racialist group he praised 1992,&rdo;washgton post,deceber 16,1998.
[3]&ldo;我胸懷寬闊/我包容萬千&rdo;,選自《自己的歌》(ng of yself)。
[4]willia rentschler,&ldo;barry goldwater,still his elent as the straightshooter fro the west,&rdo;chicago tribune,october 23,1994.
[5]paul krugan,the great unravelg(new york:norton,2003),p.177.
[6]&ldo;a flood of red k,&rdo;enoist,noveber 8,2003.
[8]詳細的說明,請參見&ldo;a flood of red k&rdo;。
[9]jagadeesh gokhale and kent stters,&ldo;fiscal and nerational ibalances,&rdo;.
[10]dennis cauchon,&ldo;gop outspends deocrats states:both far outpace flation,&rdo;a today,ay 19,2003.
[11]nicholas dawidoff,&ldo;r.washgton goes to ississippi,&rdo;new york tis agaze,october 19,2003.
[12]nicholas nfesre,&ldo;wele to the ache:how the gop discipled k street and ade bh supre,&rdo;washgton onthly,july/augt 2003.
[13]轉引自bob woodward,&ldo;a test of governnts trorthess,&rdo;washgton post,october 25,2001。
[14]new state ice .v.liebann,u.s.supre urt,1932.
[15]to sith,&ldo;national gun policy survey,&rdo;national opion research center,deceber 2001.
[16]karlyn bowan,ed.,&ldo;opion pulse,&rdo;arican enterprise,arch 2003,pp.6061.
[17]參見我們的同事蘇西&iddot;帕克(suzi parker)的作品,sex the uth:unbucklg the bible belt(boston:jt 插rles,2003)。
[18]john judis and