首頁 > 其他小說 > 安徒生童話趙丹譯 > 第79章 開朗的性情 A Cheerful Temper

第79章 開朗的性情 A Cheerful Temper(第1/8 頁)

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《開朗的性情》,1852 年

A cheerful temper, 1852

我從父親那裡繼承到了最好的遺產,那就是 “好脾氣”。

From my father I received the best inheritance, namely a “good temper.”

“我父親是誰呢?” 這和好脾氣沒什麼關係;但我要說,他生性活潑,相貌英俊,圓滾滾且胖乎乎的;無論從外貌還是性格來看,他都和自己的職業完全相悖。

“And who was my father?” that has nothing to do with the good temper; but I will say he was lively, good-looking round, and fat; he was both in appearance and character a plete contradiction to his profession.

“那麼請問,他的職業是什麼,在體面的社會里又處於什麼地位呢?” 嗯,或許吧,如果在一本書的開頭就把這些寫出來印出來,很多人讀到的時候,就會把書放下,然後說:“在我看來這書名可真夠慘的,我不喜歡這類東西。”

“And pray what was his profession and his standing in respectable society?” well, perhaps, if in the beginning of a book these were written and printed, many, when they read it, would lay the book down and say, “It seems to me a very miserable title, I don’t my things of this sort.”


And yet my father was not a skin-dresser nor an executioner; on the contrary, his employment placed him at the head of the grandest people of the town, and it was his place by right.

他得走在主教前面,甚至得走在王室成員前面;他總是走在最前面 —— 他是一名靈車車伕!好了,現在真相大白了。

he had to precede the bishop, and even the princes of the blood; he always went first, — he was a hearse driver! there, now, the truth is out.

我得承認,當人們看到我父親高高地坐在那輛死亡之車 —— 靈車的前面,穿著他那件又長又寬的黑色披風,頭上戴著鑲著黑邊的三角帽,然後再看一眼他那張圓滾滾、樂呵呵的臉,圓得像太陽一樣,他們就不會把悲傷或者墳墓之類的事太當回事了。

And I will own, that when people saw my father per
