第30章 頑皮的孩子 The Saucy Boy(第2/4 頁)
And he was, too. his eyes sparkled like two bright stars, and although the water flowed down from his fair locks, they still curled quite beautifully.
he looked like a little angel, but was pale with cold, and trembling all over. In his hand he held a splendid bow, but it had been entirely spoilt by the rain, and the colours of the pretty arrows had run into one another by getting wet.
the old man sat down by the fire, and taking the little boy on his knee, wrung the water out of his locks and warmed his hands in his own.
he then made him some hot spiced wine, which quickly revived him; so that with reddening cheeks, he sprang upon the floor and danced around the old man.
“你是個快樂的男孩。” 老人說。
“You are a merry boy,” said the latter.
“what is your name?”
“我叫丘位元。” 他回答。“你不認識我嗎?我的弓在那兒。你知道,我用那個射箭。看,天氣又變好了 —— 月亮在照耀著。”
“my name is cupid,” he answered. “don’t you know me? there lies my bow. I shoot with that, you know. Look, the weather is getting fine again — the moon is shining.”
“但是你的弓壞了。” 老詩人說。
“but your bow is spoilt,” said the old poet.
“那可就不幸了。” 小男孩說著拿起弓看了看。“哦,它完全乾了,一點也沒壞。弦繃得很緊;我來試試。” 於是他拉開弓,拿起一支箭,瞄準,然後正好射中了善良的老詩人的心臟。“你現在看到我的弓沒壞了吧?” 他說,然後大笑著跑開了。這個調皮的男孩竟然這樣射老詩人,老詩人把他帶進溫暖的房