首頁 > 其他小說 > 安徒生童話中文譯者 > 第42章 亮看見的 What the Moon Saw 第一晚到第十晚

第42章 亮看見的 What the Moon Saw 第一晚到第十晚(第2/22 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 璀璨重生之林小婉電影隨筆四合院的是是非非小侍郎重生後被戲精王爺叼回家啦今天也是不想算命的一天迷心雙生重生之我在瀋陽等你一直等到老異能太強,大佬被特殊部門收編了鬼滅:我是柱,不是鬼騎士穿越僵約與馬小玲的愛與守護穿書女配?陰鬱反派索吻狠狠寵!被國足封殺後,在西甲肝屬性成球神八零小炮灰,撩爆男主要上位年代之一家之主可以為所欲為意意相隨禮堂戀時光很野很欲!被京圈太子寵成小公主慧妃她從天界來一人之下:開局蛙崽帶回魔神呂布

face at last — a round, friendly countenance, the face of a good friend I had known at home. In, fact, it was the mooN that looked in upon me. he was quite unchanged, the dear old moon, and had the same face exactly that he used to show when he peered down upon me through the willow trees on the moor.


I kissed my hand to him over and over again, as he shone far into my little room; and he, for his part, promised me that every evening, when he came abroad, he would look in upon me for a few moments. this promise he has faithfully kept.


It is a pity that he can only stay such a short time when he es. whenever he appears, he tells me of one thing or another that he has seen on the previous night, or on that same evening.

“就把我描述給你的場景畫下來”—— 這是他對我說的話 ——“你就會有一本非常漂亮的圖畫書了。”

“Just paint the scenes I describe to you” — this is what he said to me— “and you will have a very pretty picture-book.”


I have followed his injunction for many evenings. I could make up a new “thousand and one Nights,” in my own way, out of these pictures, but the number might be too great, after all.


the pictures I have here given have not been chosen at random, but follow in their proper order, just as they were described to me.

