第23章 鳳凰 The Phoenix Bird(第3/4 頁)
chamber of content, and brings sunshine into it, and the violets on the humble table smell doubly sweet.
but the phoenix is not the bird of Arabia alone.
he wings his way in the glimmer of the Northern Lights over the plains of Lapland, and hops among the yellow flowers in the short Greenland summer.
beneath the copper mountains of Fablun, and England’s coal mines, he flies, in the shape of a dusty moth, over the hymnbook that rests on the knees of the pious miner.
on a lotus leaf he floats down the sacred waters of the Ganges, and the eye of the hindoo maid gleams bright when she beholds him.
the phoenix bird, dost thou not know him?
天堂之鳥,神聖的歌之天鵝!他坐在泰斯庇斯的馬車上,扮作一隻嘰嘰喳喳的烏鴉,拍打著沾滿酒渣的黑色翅膀;天鵝的紅色喙掠過冰島悠揚的豎琴;他坐在莎士比亞的肩頭,扮作奧丁的烏鴉,在詩人耳邊低語 “不朽!”;在吟遊詩人的盛宴上,他在瓦特堡的大廳裡飛舞。
the bird of paradise, the holy swan of song! on the car of thespis he sat in the guise of a chattering raven, and flapped his black wings, smeared with the lees of wine; over the sounding harp of Iceland swept the swan’s red beak; on Shakspeare’s shoulder he sat in the guise of odin’s raven, and whispered in the poet’s ear “Immortality!” and at the minstrels’ feast he fluttered through the halls of the wartburg.
the phoenix bird, dost thou not know him?