首頁 > 其他小說 > 安徒生童話中文譯者 > 第6章 醜小鴨 The Ugly Duckling

第6章 醜小鴨 The Ugly Duckling(第1/22 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 老祖宗包養的小白臉竟是豪門繼承人重生80:從擺攤開始發家真千金斷親後,侯府上下追悔莫及裴先生的獨家復仇重生後我手撕綠茶閨蜜終不負三世之約閨蜜齊分手!上戀綜挑花眼開局十倍返現,分手後拿下前任閨蜜生命倒計時,高冷總裁妻子瘋狂報復我離婚後,惡毒女配火出了圈盛唐奇幻錄穿書送系統,炮灰腳踩綠茶上位六零隨軍,絕嗣大佬爆寵易孕嬌妻查出絕症當天,渣夫在給白月光過生日繫結交換系統後,上交國家當首富聽懂獸語後,惡女穩拿萬人迷劇本鬥破:魂天帝獨女,我為魂族少主繫結改字系統,瘋批男主跪求原諒貴族學院F4都是我的裙下臣浪蕩總裁的狠辣小嬌娘

《醜小鴨》,1844 年

the Ugly duckling, 1844


在過去的一個半世紀裡,醜小鴨一直備受青睞,它在布拉姆?斯托克(bram Stoker)的《德古拉》(dracula)中被提及,在謝爾蓋?普羅科菲耶夫(Sergei prokofiev)的音樂中被頌揚,而且不出所料地,在華特?迪士尼(walt disney)的電影中被採用。

the ugly duckling has led a charmed existence over the past century and a half, alluded to in bram Stoker’s dracula, celebrated in Sergei prokofiev’s music, and, less surprisingly, taken up in walt disney’s films.

這隻可憐、被人鄙視的鳥兒的故事在許多文化中廣為流傳,成為我們最喜愛 —— 也是最令人安心的 —— 童年故事之一。

the story of the abject, despised bird has taken hold in many cultures, being one of our most beloved—and most reassuring—childhood tales.


It promises all of us, children and adults, that we have the capacity to transform ourselves for the better.


Like many a fairy - tale character, the ugly duckling is meek and small, the youngest in the brood.


A misfit out of place in the barnyard, in the wilderness, and in the domestic arena, he is unable to find a bond with other creatures.

但是,就像安徒生自己年輕時一樣,它富有冒險精神且意志堅定,決心走向 “廣闊世界”。

but, like Andersen himself as a youth, he is adventurous and determined, resolving to go out into “the wide world.”


his metamorphosis into a beautiful swan has been evoked for generations as a source of fort to those suffering from feelings of social isolation an
