第85章 兩位少女 Two Maidens(第3/4 頁)
“I must submit to your notice,” he said, “that the name ‘maiden’ is mon enough, and not nearly so refined as ‘hand-rammer,’ or ‘stamper,’ which latter has also been proposed, and through which you would be introduced into the category of seals; and only think of the great stamp of state, which impresses the royal seal that gives effect to the laws! No, in your case I would surrender my maiden name.”
“不,當然不!” 年長的那個叫道。“我年紀太大了,做不到。”
“No, certainly not!” exclaimed the elder. “I am too old for that.”
“我猜你們從來沒聽說過所謂的‘歐洲的必要性’吧?” 誠實的捲尺說道。
“I presume you have never heard of what is called ‘European necessity?’” observed the honest measuring tape.
“one must be able to adapt one’s self to time and circumstances, and if there is a law that the ‘maiden’ is to be called ‘hand-rammer,’ why, she must be called ‘hand-rammer,’ and no pouting will avail, for everything has its measure.”
“不;要是非得改的話,” 年輕些的那個說,“我寧願被叫做‘小姐’,因為這多少能讓人聯想到少女。”
“No; if there must be a change,” said the younger, “I should prefer to be called ‘missy,’ for that reminds one a little of maidens.”
“但我寧願被剁碎成木屑。” 年長些的那個說。
“but I would rather be chopped to chips,” said the elder.
At last they all went to work.
少女們被推著走 —— 也就是說,它們被放進一輛獨輪車裡,這算是一種優待;但它們依舊被稱作 “手夯”。
the maidens rode — that is, they were put in a wheelbarrow, and that was a di