首頁 > 其他小說 > 安徒生童話原版語言 > 第78章 對此毋庸置疑 There Is No Doubt About It

第78章 對此毋庸置疑 There Is No Doubt About It(第3/5 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 拒不認親:重生80帶全家逆襲豪門星芒契約師姐重生後,竟成了龍傲天?!我是你家千金靈魂手帳2魔女入仙門臥底,就這個攻略爽!仙道霸主古今來回穿,我囤貨養孫子暴富王妃遊街慘死後,全家後悔求原諒抗戰從淞滬會戰開始年代修仙:我有山海相伴王爺,王妃又去皇宮擺攤了七零嬌氣包又美又撩,首長他淪陷了雪落重生,不負君心重回80,從擺脫栽贓開始改寫人生重生獨美后,小皇叔跪求名分重生後我靠回檔封神頂流重生1998:開局打了班花,表白校花拿我當他替身,合約不續你倒追啥?重生歸來,貴女她不對勁

t tell our neighbour owl about it; she is such an estimable owl to talk to.” And with that she flew away.

“嘟嗚!嘟嗚!” 她們倆對著鄰居家的鴿舍裡的鴿子叫著。“你們聽說了嗎?你們聽說了嗎?嘟嗚!有一隻母雞為了公雞把自己所有的羽毛都拔光了;要是她還沒被凍死的話,也會被凍死的。嘟嗚!”

“too-whoo! too-whoo!” they both hooted into the neighbour’s dove-cot to the doves inside. “have you heard? have you heard? too-whoo! there is a hen who has plucked out all her feathers for the sake of the cock; she will freeze to death, if she is not frozen already. too-whoo!”

“在哪兒?在哪兒?” 鴿子們咕咕地叫著。

“where? where?” cooed the doves.


“In the neighbour’s yard. I have as good as seen it myself. It is almost unbeing to tell the story, but there is no doubt about it.”

“我們跟你們說的每一個字都要相信。” 鴿子們說道,然後朝著它們的家禽院咕咕地叫著傳下去。“有一隻母雞 —— 不,有人說有兩隻 —— 把自己所有的羽毛都拔光了,為的是不和其他雞一樣,好吸引公雞的注意。”

“believe every word of what we tell you,” said the doves, and cooed down into their poultry-yard. “there is a hen — nay, some say that there are two — who have plucked out all their feathers, in order not to look like the others, and to attract the attention of the cock.


It is a dangerous game, for one can easily catch cold and die from fever, and both of these are dead already.”

“醒醒!醒醒!” 公雞打鳴著,飛到了它棲息的木板上。它眼裡還帶著睡意,但還是叫著:“三隻母雞因為對一隻公雞不幸的愛戀而死了。它們把自己所有的羽毛都拔光了。這是個可怕的故事:我可不會就這麼自己悶著,得把它傳出去。”

“wake up! wake up!” crowed the cock, and flew upon his board. Sleep was still

