第41章 邪惡的王子 The Wicked Prince(第3/6 頁)
g: “prince, you are mighty indeed, but God’s power is much greater than yours; we dare not obey your orders.”
“好吧,” 王子說。
“well,” said the prince.
“then I will conquer God too.”
And in his haughtiness and foolish presumption he ordered a magnificent ship to be constructed, with which he could sail through the air; it was gorgeously fitted out and of many colours; like the tail of a peacock, it was covered with thousands of eyes, but each eye was the barrel of a gun.
the prince sat in the centre of the ship, and had only to touch a spring in order to make thousands of bullets fly out in all directions, while the guns were at once loaded again.
hundreds of eagles were attached to this ship, and it rose with the swiftness of an arrow up towards the sun.
the earth was soon left far below, and looked, with its mountains and woods, like a cornfield where the plough had made furrows which separated green meadows; soon it looked only like a map with indistinct lines upon it; and at last it entirely disappeared in mist and clouds.
higher and higher rose the eagles up into the ai