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第27章 鍾 The Bell(第4/12 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 拒不認親:重生80帶全家逆襲豪門星芒契約師姐重生後,竟成了龍傲天?!我是你家千金靈魂手帳2魔女入仙門臥底,就這個攻略爽!仙道霸主古今來回穿,我囤貨養孫子暴富王妃遊街慘死後,全家後悔求原諒抗戰從淞滬會戰開始年代修仙:我有山海相伴王爺,王妃又去皇宮擺攤了七零嬌氣包又美又撩,首長他淪陷了雪落重生,不負君心重回80,從擺脫栽贓開始改寫人生重生獨美后,小皇叔跪求名分重生後我靠回檔封神頂流重生1998:開局打了班花,表白校花拿我當他替身,合約不續你倒追啥?重生歸來,貴女她不對勁


one wrote a whole poem about it, and said the bell sounded like the voice of a mother to a good dear child, and that no melody was sweeter than the tones of the bell.

這個國家的國王也注意到了這件事,併發誓說,誰能找出聲音的來源,誰就應該獲得 “萬能敲鐘人” 的稱號,即使那實際上不是一個鐘。

the king of the country was also observant of it, and vowed that he who could discover whence the sounds proceeded, should have the title of “Universal bell-ringer,” even if it were not really a bell.


many persons now went to the wood, for the sake of getting the place, but one only returned with a sort of explanation; for nobody went far enough, that one not further than the others. however, he said that the sound proceeded from a very large owl, in a hollow tree; a sort of learned owl, that continually knocked its head against the branches. but whether the sound came from his head or from the hollow tree, that no one could say with certainty.

所以現在他得到了 “萬能敲鐘人” 的職位,並每年寫一篇簡短的論文《論貓頭鷹》;但每個人都和以前一樣聰明。

So now he got the place of “Universal bell-ringer,” and wrote yearly a short treatise “on the owl”; but everybody was just as wise as before.


It was the day of confirmation. the clergyman had spoken so touchingly, the children who were confirmed had be

