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第27章 鍾 The Bell(第3/12 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 拒不認親:重生80帶全家逆襲豪門星芒契約師姐重生後,竟成了龍傲天?!我是你家千金靈魂手帳2魔女入仙門臥底,就這個攻略爽!仙道霸主古今來回穿,我囤貨養孫子暴富王妃遊街慘死後,全家後悔求原諒抗戰從淞滬會戰開始年代修仙:我有山海相伴王爺,王妃又去皇宮擺攤了七零嬌氣包又美又撩,首長他淪陷了雪落重生,不負君心重回80,從擺脫栽贓開始改寫人生重生獨美后,小皇叔跪求名分重生後我靠回檔封神頂流重生1998:開局打了班花,表白校花拿我當他替身,合約不續你倒追啥?重生歸來,貴女她不對勁


很長時間過去了,人們相互說道:“我想知道森林裡是否有一座教堂?鐘聲有一種奇妙的甜美音調;讓我們漫步到那裡,更仔細地檢視一下這件事。” 富人們駕車出去,窮人們步行,但對他們來說路似乎奇怪地漫長;當他們來到長在森林邊緣的一叢柳樹旁時,他們坐下來,抬頭看著長長的樹枝,想象著他們現在已經在綠色森林的深處了。

A long time passed, and people said to each other— “I wonder if there is a church out in the wood? the bell has a tone that is wondrous sweet; let us stroll thither, and examine the matter nearer.” And the rich people drove out, and the poor walked, but the way seemed strangely long to them; and when they came to a clump of willows which grew on the skirts of the forest, they sat down, and looked up at the long branches, and fancied they were now in the depth of the green wood.


the confectioner of the town came out, and set up his booth there; and soon after came another confectioner, who hung a bell over his stand, as a sign or ornament, but it had no clapper, and it was tarred over to preserve it from the rain.


when all the people returned home, they said it had been very romantic, and that it was quite a different sort of thing to a pic-nic or tea-party.


there were three persons who asserted they had penetrated to the end of the forest, and that they had always heard the wonderful sounds of the bell, but it had seemed to them as if it had e from the town.


