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第1章 皇帝的新裝 The Emperor’s New Suit(第3/12 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 侯府繁華迷人眼?小福女選擇種田!斬神:這個金毛強的可怕開局被渣,反手投資女帝無敵與心同我隔著月亮,慢慢回頭望皆殤她本是反賊提瓦特大陸的熒式生活穿書七十年代,過好自己的日子寶貝別再跑了誕生日淪陷!不裝了,他要橫刀奪愛遠古異世,系統讓我長命百歲!奶萌錦鯉下凡,開局俘獲大暴君!阿箬重生之後人在戰錘有驚世智慧一夜暴富,我囤貨嬌養了個女帝江山繪情箋:古韻良緣原來我才是大反派?!我死後,他們在直播間痛哭流涕

at all.”


In the mind’s eye, the nightingale, the shoes, the marble statue, the gardens, and the cloth possess a radiant energy that makes them palpably real.

雖然看不見且 “根本不存在”,但它們仍然迷人、精緻且可愛。

Invisible and “not there at all,” they still remain enchanting, exquisite, and lovely.


the words have a certain ignition power that allows us to imagine the world constructed by Andersen’s art.


“the Emperor’s New clothes” has been translated into over a hundred languages and continues to fascinate and inspire imitation, as the recent publication the Emperor’s New clothes: An All - Star Illustrated Retelling of the classic Fairy tale suggests.


In that volume, dr. Ruth westheimer refashions the story by narrating it from the point of view of an imperial physician;

卡爾文?克萊恩宣稱 “沒有什麼能介於我和我的皇帝之間!”;

calvin Klein reports that “nothing es between me and my Emperor!”;

史蒂文?斯皮爾伯格扮演那個揭露皇帝赤身裸體的 “誠實男孩”。

and Steven Spielberg makes an appearance as the “honest boy” who blows the whistle on the Emperor’s birthday suit.

這個故事已經被改編成許多不同的媒介形式,1919 年尤里?熱利亞布日斯基執導了一部同名的俄國電影,西尼德?奧康娜演唱了一首相關歌曲,1987 年有一部音樂劇由席德?西澤飾演皇帝,還有眾多戲劇、短篇小說和動畫電影對這個故事進行演繹或惡搞。

the tale has migrated into many different media, with a Russian film of that title directed by

