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第35章 雛菊 The Daisy(第2/8 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 大逃荒!全家齊穿越,手握空間贏麻了!萌寶的甜蜜助攻七零換親,高冷硬漢夜夜追妻雜貨店通末世,我囤無限物資養大佬月劫傾華:龍女的擺爛人生被打破盜墓:吳家的團寵小惡霸略施癲計,懂愛後渣爹刀拿不穩了穿越之陶朱之富賜婚和親後,嫡女她步步為營八零嫁絕嗣首長多胎後,全員破防天衍輪迴錄團寵千金持劇本,帶炮灰全家逆襲人間疾苦,唯有自救纏上魔藥教授的銀色小蛇親緣時光:母親與姨舅的歲月之歌啟稟殿下,世子今天還在裝快穿:被非人類的祂嬌寵了穿書救閨蜜,病嬌夫君天天爭寵重生後成為繼兄的心尖寵這個警官從不加班

rejoiced that the song of the little lark expressed so sweetly and distinctly its own feelings.


with a sort of reverence the daisy looked up to the bird that could fly and sing, but it did not feel envious.

“我能看見也能聽見,” 它想,“太陽照耀著我,森林親吻著我。我是多麼富有啊!”

“I can see and hear,” it thought; “the sun shines upon me, and the forest kisses me. how rich I am!”


In the garden close by grew many large and magnificent flowers, and, strange to say, the less fragrance they had the haughtier and prouder they were.


the peonies puffed themselves up in order to be larger than the roses, but size is not everything! the tulips had the finest colours, and they knew it well, too, for they were standing bolt upright like candles, that one might see them the better.


In their pride they did not see the little daisy, which looked over to them and thought, “how rich and beautiful they are! I am sure the pretty bird will fly down and call upon them. thank God, that I stand so near and can at least see all the splendour.”


And while the daisy was still thinking, the lark came flying down, crying “tweet,” but not to the peonies and tul

