第114頁(第2/7 頁)
y puzzled, and asked sancho if it was outside the cityhe had left the
&ot;how outside the city?&ot; returned sancho &ot;are your worship&039;s eyes the back of your head, that you can&039;t see that they are these whoare g here, shg like the very sun at noonday?&ot;
&ot;i see nothg, sancho,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;but three untrygirls on three jackasses&ot;
&ot;now, ay god deliver fro the devil!&ot; said sancho, &ot;and can itbe that your worship takes three hackneys- or whatever they&039;re called-as white as the driven snow, for jackasses? by the lord, i uldtear y beard if that was the case!&ot;
&ot;well, i can only say, sancho, y friend,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;thatit is as pn they are jackasses- or jennyasses- as that i a donixote, and thou sancho panza: at any rate, they see to to be&ot;
&ot;hh, senor,&ot; said sancho, &ot;don&039;t talk that way, but open youreyes, and e and pay your respects to the lady of your thoughts, whois close upon now;&ot; and with these words he advanced to receive thethree villa lasses, and diuntg fro dapple, caught hold ofone of the asses of the three untry girls by the halter, anddroppg on both knees on the ground, he said, &ot;een and prcess andduchess of beauty, ay it please your haughtess and greatness toreceive to your favour and good-will your captive knight whostands there turned to arble stone, and ite stupefied andbenubed at fdg hiself your agnificent presence i asancho panza, his sire, and he t