第87頁(第5/8 頁)
d great aent; but to those who knew nothg about it, itseed the greatest nonsense the world, particular to the fourservants of don is, as well as to don is hiself, and to threeother travellers who had by 插nce e to the n, and had theappearance of officers of the holy brotherhood, as deed they were;but the one who above all was at his wits&039; end, was the barberbas, there before his very eyes, had been turned to abro&039;射lt, and whose pack-saddle he had no doubt whatever was about tobee a rich capar for a horse all laughed to see don fernandogog fro one to another llectg the votes, and whisperg to theto give hi their private opion whether the treasure over whichthere had been uch fightg was a pack-saddle or a capar;but after he had taken the votes of those who knew don ixote, hesaid aloud, &ot;the fact is, y good fellow, that i a tired llectgsuch a nuber of opions, for i fd that there is not one of whoi ask what i desire to know, who does not tell that it is absurd tosay that this is the pack-saddle of an ass, and not the capar of ahorse, nay, of a thoroughbred horse; you t subit, for, spiteof you and your ass, this is a capar and no pack-saddle, and youhave stated and proved your case very badly&ot;
&ot;ay i never share heaven,&ot; said the poor barber, &ot;if yourworships are not all istaken; and ay y ul appear before god asthat appears to a pack-saddle and not a capar; but, &039;laws go,&039;-i say no ore; and deed i a not drunk, for i a fastg, exceptit be fr