第87頁(第4/8 頁)
ow to his authority&ot;
&ot;by god, ntlen,&ot; said don ixote, &ot; any stran thgshave happened to this castle on the o oasions on which ihave journed it, that i will not venture to assert anythgpositively reply to any estion touchg anythg it ntas; forit is y belief that everythg that goes on with it goes byen插ntnt the first ti, an en插nted oor that there is itgave re trouble, nor did sancho fare well aong certa followerf his; and last night i was kept hangg by this ar for nearly ohours, without knog how or why i ca by such a ishap thatnow, for to e forward to give an opion such a puzzlgatter, would be to risk a rash decision as regards the assertionthat this is a bas and not a helt i have already given ananswer; but as to the estion whether this is a pack-saddle or acapar i will not venture to give a positive opion, but willleave it to your worships&039; better judgnt perhaps as you are notdubbed knights like yself, the en插ntnts of this place havenothg to do with you, and your faculties are unfettered, and you cansee thgs this castle as they really and truly are, and not asthey appear to &ot;
&ot;there can be no estion,&ot; said don fernando on this, &ot;but thatsenor don ixote has spoken very wisely, and that with rests thedecision of this atter; and that we ay have surer ground to go on, iwill take the votes of the ntlen secret, and declare the resultclearly and fully&ot;
to those who were the secret of don ixote&039;s huour all thisafforde