第165頁(第1/7 頁)
&ot;the truth is, senora,&ot; replied don ixote, &ot;that i do feel theloss of sancho; but that is not the a cae of y lookg sad;and of all the offers your excellence akes , i aept only thegood-will with which they are ade, and as to the reader ientreat of your excellence to perit and allow alone to wait uponyself y 插ber&ot;
&ot;deed, senor don ixote,&ot; said the duchess, &ot;that t not be;four of y dasels, as beautiful as flowers, shall wait upon you&ot;
&ot;to ,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;they will not be flowers, but thornsto pierce y heart they, or anythg like the, shall as on entery 插ber as fly if your highness wi射s to gratify stillfurther, though i deserve it not, perit to please yself, and waitupon yself y own roo; for i place a barrier beeen yclations and y virtue, and i do not wish to break this rulethrough the nerosity your highness is disposed to display towards; and, short, i will sleep y clothes, oner than allowanyone to undress &ot;
&ot;say no ore, senor don ixote, say no ore,&ot; said the duchess;&ot;i assure you i will give orders that not even a fly, not to say adasel, shall enter your roo i a not the one to undere thepropriety of senor don ixote, for it strikes that aong hisany virtues the one that is pre-eent is that of odesty yourworship ay undress and dress private and your own way, as youplease and when you please, for there will be no one to hder you;and your 插ber you will fd all the utensils reisite to supplythe wants o