第58章 祖母 Grandmother(第1/4 頁)
《祖母》,1845 年
Grandmother, 1845
Grandmother is very old, her face is wrinkled, and her hair is quite white; but her eyes are like two stars, and they have a mild, gentle expression in them when they look at you, which does you good.
She wears a dress of heavy, rich silk, with large flowers worked on it; and it rustles when she moves.
And then she can tell the most wonderful stories.
祖母懂得很多事情,因為她比父親和母親的年紀都大 —— 這是肯定的。
Grandmother knows a great deal, for she was alive before father and mother — that’s quite certain.
She has a hymn-book with large silver clasps, in which she often reads; and in the book, between the leaves, lies a rose, quite flat and dry; it is not so pretty as the roses which are standing in the glass, and yet she smiles at it most pleasantly, and tears even e into her eyes.
“I wonder why grandmother looks at the withered flower in the old book that way?
do you know?”
哎呀,當祖母的淚水滴落在玫瑰上,她正看著它的時候,玫瑰復活了,它的芬芳瀰漫了整個房間;牆壁像在霧中一樣消失了,她周圍全是一片鬱鬱蔥蔥的樹林,夏天的時候,陽光透過茂密的枝葉灑下來;而祖母呢,她又變年輕了,成了一位迷人的少女,像玫瑰一樣清新,有著圓圓的、紅潤的臉頰,一頭金黃、光亮的捲髮,身材美麗又優雅;但那雙眼睛,那溫和、聖潔的眼睛,還是原來的樣子 —— 它們一直留在祖母身上。
why, when grandmother’s tears fall upon the rose, an