第125頁(第1/3 頁)
[1]de wayne wickha,&ldo;foc on blacks:voters of all races need to go to the polls,&rdo;a today,october 24,2000.
[2]anthony york,&ldo;aricas wake-up call?&rdo;salon.january 25,2000.
[3]下文歸納了某些研究內容:arie gryphon and eily yer,&ldo;our history of educational freedo,&rdo;policy analysis 492,october 8,2003。
[4]&ldo;blacks v.teachers,&rdo;enoist,arch 10,2001.
[5]&ldo;the lor of nservatis,&rdo;enoist,january 23,2003.
[6]na j.easton,gang of five:leaders at the center of the nservative crade(new york:sion ≈ schter,2000),p.139.
[7]kate zernike,&ldo;a nation at war:capes,&rdo;new york tis,april 5,2003.
[9]john judis and ruy teixeira,the ergg deocratic ajority(new york:scribner,2002),p.50.
[11]elor burkett,the right won:a journey through the heart of nservative arica(new york:touchstone,1998),pp.1516.
[12]helen thoas,&ldo;laura bh keeps opions to herself,&rdo;seattle post-tellcer,april 17,2002.
[13]burkett,the right won,p.41.
[14]lisa belk,&ldo;the opt-out revotion,&rdo;new york tis agaze,october 26,2003.
[15]參見new york tis agaze,october 26,2003。
[16]belk,&ldo;the opt-out revotion&rdo;.
(1)該標題取自一首曾在1967年橫掃全球流行樂壇的歌曲《蒼白的淺影》(a whiter shade of pale)。‐‐譯者注
(3)英國的&ldo;積極歧視&rdo;(positive discriation)即美國的&ldo;平權法案