第197頁(第5/8 頁)
of which i a already wearyhere, sirs, ends y sad story, as true as it is unhappy; all i askof you is to allow to die like a christian, for, as i havealready said, i a not to be 插rd with the offence of which thoseof y nation are guilty;&ot; and 射 stood silent, her eyes filled withovg tears, aopanied by plenty fro the bystanders theviceroy, touched with passion, went up to her without speakgand untied the rd that bound the hands of the oorish girl
but all the while the oris christian was tellg her stranstory, an elderly pilgri, who had e on board of the galley atthe sa ti as the viceroy, kept his eyes fixed upon her; and thestant 射 ceased speakg he threw hiself at her feet, andebracg the said a voice broken by bs and sighs, &ot;o ana felix,y unhappy daughter, i a thy father rite, e back to look forthee, unable to live without thee, y ul that thou art!&ot;
at these words of his, sancho opened his eyes and raised his head,which he had been holdg down, broodg over his uncky excursion;and lookg at the pilgri he regnised hi that sa rite het the day he itted his governnt, and felt satisfied that thiswas his daughter 射 beg now unbound ebraced her father,glg her tears with his, while he addressg the neral and theviceroy said, &ot;this, sirs, is y daughter, ore unhappy heradventures than her na 射 is ana felix, surnad rite,celebrated as uch for her own beauty as for y wealth i itted ynative land search of 射lter or refu for abroad, andhavg found one rany i returned