第205頁(第5/7 頁)
on fishg their tasks than on thkg of their lovesi speak fro y own experience; for when i&039; diggg i never thkof y old woan; i an y teresa panza, who i love better than yown eyelids&ot; &ot;you say well, sancho,&ot; said the duchess, &ot;and i willtake care that y altisidora eploys herself henceforward needlework of rt; for 射 is extrely expert at it&ot; &ot;there isno oasion to have reurse to that redy, senora,&ot; said altisidora;&ot;for the re thought of the cruelty with which this vagabondviln has treated will suffice to blot hi out of y orywithout any other device; with your highness&039;s leave i will retire,not to have before y eyes, i won&039;t say his rueful untenance, buthis aboable, ugly looks&ot; &ot;that reds of the on sayg,that &039;he that rails is ready to five,&039;&ot; said the duke
altisidora then, pretendg to wipe away her tears with ahandkerchief, ade an obeisance to her aster and istress and ittedthe roo
&ot;ill ck betide thee, poor dasel,&ot; said sancho, &ot;ill ck betidethee! thou hast fallen with a ul as dry as a rh and a heartas hard as oak; had it been , i&039;faith &039;another ck would havecrowed to thee&039;&ot;
the nversation ca to an end, and don ixote dressedhiself and ded with the duke and duchess, and set out the saeveng插pter lxxi
of what passed beeen don ixote and his sire sancho on theway to their villa
the vani射d and afflicted don ixote went along very downcast one respect and very happy another h