第10頁(第3/7 頁)
ronr than chiry water heade but one sleep of it, and, if his aster had not called hi,neither the rays of the sun beatg on his face nor all the cheerynotes of the birds welg the approach of day would have hadpower to waken hi on ttg up he tried the bota and found ihat less full than the night before, which grieved his heartbecae they did not see to be on the way to redy the deficiencyreadily don ixote did not care to break his fast, for, as hasbeen already said, he nfed hiself to savoury rellections fornourishnt
they returned to the road they had set out with, leadg to puertolapice, and at three the afternoon they ca sight of it &ot;here,brother sancho panza,&ot; said don ixote when he saw it, &ot;we ay pnour hands up to the elbows what they call adventures; butobserve, even shouldst thou see the greatest danr theworld, thou t not put a hand to thy sword y defence, unlessdeed thou perceivest that those who assail are rabble or basefolk; for that case thou ayest very properly aid ; but if theybe knights it is on no aount peritted or allowed thee by the lawf knighthood to help until thou hast been dubbed a knight&ot;
&ot;ost certaly, senor,&ot; replied sancho, &ot;your worship shall befully obeyed this atter; all the ore as of yself i a peacefuland no friend to i性 strife and arrels: it is true that asregards the defence of y own pern i shall not give uch heed tothose laws, for laws huan and dive allow each one to defend hiselfagast any assailant whateve