第113頁(第2/7 頁)
e truth ayrun fe but will not break, and always rises above falsehood as oilabove water; and , gog on with his story, he says that as onas don ixote had ensnced hiself the forest, oak grove, or woodnear el tobo, he bade sancho return to the city, and not e tohis presence aga without havg first spoken on his behalf to hislady, and begd of her that it ight be her good pleasure to peritherself to be seen by her enslaved knight, and deign to bestow herblessg upon hi, that he ight thereby hope for a happy issue all his enunters and difficult enterprises sancho undertook toexecute the task aordg to the structions, and to brg back ananswer as good as the one he brought back before
&ot;go, y n,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;and be not dazed when thoufdest thyself exposed to the light of that sun of beauty thou artgog to seek happy thou, above all the sires the world! bear d, and let it not escape thy ory, how 射 receives thee; if射 插ns lour while thou art givg her y ssa; if 射 isagitated and disturbed at hearg y na; if 射 cannot rest upon herchion, shouldst thou haply fd her seated the suptuo state插ber proper to her rank; and should 射 be standg, observe if 射poises herself now on one foot, now on the other; if 射 repeats oor three tis the reply 射 gives thee; if 射 passes fro ntlenessto aterity, fro asperity to tenderness; if 射 raises her hand tooth her hair though it be not disarrand short, y n,observe all her actions and otions, for if thou wilt report the to as they were, i will gat