第112頁(第3/7 頁)
less hesaid to sancho, &ot;sancho, y n, lead on to the palace of dulcea, itay be that we shall fd her awake&ot;
&ot;body of the sun! what palace a i to lead to,&ot; said sancho, &ot;whenwhat i saw her highness was only a very little hoe?&ot;
&ot;ost likely 射 had then withdrawn to sall apartnt of herpalace,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;to ae herself with dasels, as greatladies and prcesses are atod to do&ot;
&ot;senor,&ot; said sancho, &ot;if your worship will have it spite of that the hoe of y lady dulcea is a palace, is this an hour, thkyou, to fd the door open; and will it be right for to go knockgtill they hear and open the door; akg a disturbance andnfion all through the hoehold? are we gog, do you fancy, tothe hoe of our wenches, like gallants who e and knock and go at any hour, however late it ay be?&ot;
&ot;let first of all fd out the palace for certa,&ot; replied donixote, &ot;and then i will tell thee, sancho, what we had best do;but look, sancho, for either i see badly, or that dark ass that onesees fro here should be dulcea&039;s palace&ot;
&ot;then let your worship lead the way,&ot; said sancho, &ot;perhaps it aybe ; though i see it with y eyes and touch it with y hands, i&039;llbelieve it as uch as i believe it is daylight now&ot;
don ixote took the lead, and havg gone a atter of o hundredpaces he ca upon the ass that produced the shade, and found ias a great tower, and then he perceived that the buildg estionwas no pal