第75頁(第2/8 頁)
ts of africa, and the tra of all this great host suchunitions and ens of war, and any pioneers that with theirhands they ight have vered the goletta and the fort with handfulf earth the first to fall was the goletta, until then reckonedipregnable, and it fell, not by any fault of its defenders, who didall that they uld and should have done, but becae expertproved how easily entrenchnts uld be ade the desert sandthere; for water ed to be found at o pals depth, while theturks found none at o yards; and by ans of a antity ofsandbags they raised their works high that they anded the wallf the fort, sweepg the as if fro a cavalier, that no one wasable to ake a stand or ata the defence
it was a on opion that our n should not have shut theselvesup the goletta, but should have waited the open at thelandg-place; but those who say talk at rando and with littleknowled of such atters; for if the goletta and the fort therewere barely seven thoand ldiers, how uld such a sall nuber,however rete, sally out and hold their own agast nubers likethose of the eney? and how is it possible to help losg a strongholdthat is not relieved, above all when surrounded by a host ofdetered eneies their own untry? but any thought, and ithought too, that it was special favour and rcy which heavenshowed to spa perittg the destruction of that urce andhidg place of ischief, that devourer, spon, and oth of untlesney, fruitlessly wasted there to no other purpose save preservgthe ory of its capt