首頁 > 其他小說 > 推薦一本安徒生童話 > 第36章 幸運的套鞋 The Goloshes of Fortune

第36章 幸運的套鞋 The Goloshes of Fortune(第3/32 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 撿到三歲小喪屍,流放路上有肉吃宮闕絃音第二部丫鬟小桃亂世逃荒記龍珠超之仙人模式悲花鳴煙雨中林悅糟了!李家穿來兩個大力士睜眼新婚夜!換個丈夫,幸福一生綜影視:從在甄嬛傳當皇子開始柯雪修仙傳怪誕粘液炮灰真千金?抱歉,她玄學全能!七零大院:離婚後嫁絕嗣京少多胎穿書七零,閨蜜每天給我送物資!心向何方情所歸星途閃耀之天后進化論死遁五年,被初戀陛下抓回來斬神:表哥劍聖周平,我成劍仙了抽龍筋?抽條褲帶意思一下得了!長安瀟湘

ut she had something extraordinary to relate, after all.

“我必須告訴你,” 她說,“今天是我的生日;為了慶祝這個日子,我被託付了一雙套鞋,要把它們介紹給人類。

“I must tell you,” said she, “that to-day is my birthday; and in honor of it I have been intrusted with a pair of goloshes, to introduce amongst mankind.


these goloshes have the property of making every one who puts them on imagine himself in any place he wishes, or that he exists at any period.


Every wish is fulfilled at the moment it is expressed, so that for once mankind have the chance of being happy.”

“不,” 憂慮回答說,“你可以肯定,任何穿上這雙套鞋的人都會非常不開心,並且會慶幸能擺脫它們的那一刻。”

“No,” replied care; “you may depend upon it that whoever puts on those goloshes will be very unhappy, and bless the moment in which he can get rid of them.”

“你在想什麼呢?” 另一個回答道。

“what are you thinking of?” replied the other.


“Now see; I will place them by the door; some one will take them instead of his own, and he will be the happy man.”


this was the end of their conversation.

2. 顧問身上發生了什麼

whAt hAppENEd to thE coUNSELLoR


It was late when counsellor Knapp, lost in thought about the times of King hans, desired to return home; and fate so ordered it that he put on the goloshes of Fortune instead

