第94頁(第2/7 頁)
ixartes of hircania, all those palfreys, and dasels-errant,and serpents, and onsters, and giants, and arvello adventures, anden插ntnts of every kd, and battles, and prodigio enunters,splendid st, love-sick prcesses, sires ade unts, drolldwarfs, love letters, billgs and ogs, swashbuckler won, and, a word, all that nonsense the books of chivalry nta? foryself, i can only say that when i read the, long as i do not sto thk that they are all lies and frivolity, they give acerta aount of pleasure; but when i e to nsider what they are,i flg the very best of the at the wall, and would flg it to thefire if there were one at hand, as richly deservg such punishnt ascheats and ipostors out of the ran of ordary toleration, and asfounders of new sects and odes of life, and teachers that lead theignorant public to believe and aept as truth all the folly theynta and such is their audacity, they even dare to unsettle thewits of ntlen of birth and tellce, as is shown pnly bythe way they have served your worship, when they have brought you tosuch a pass that you have to be shut up a ca and carried on anox-cart as one would carry a lion or a tir fro place to place toake oney by shog it e, senor don ixote, have passion for yourself, return to the bo of on sense, and akee of the liberal share of it that heaven has been pleased tobestow upon you, eployg your abundant gifts of d otherreadg that ay serve to benefit your nscience and add to yourhonour and if, still led away by your natural bent, y