第45頁(第4/8 頁)
thou wilt not unask thy unterfeit,
this earth will be the prey of strife once ore,
as when priaeval disrd held its reign
the ng ended with a deep sigh, and aga the listeners reaedwaitg attentively for the sr to resu; but perceivg thatthe ic had now turned to bs and heart-rendg oans theydetered to fd out who the unhappy beg uld be whose voicewas as rare as his sighs were piteo, and they had not proceededfar when on turng the rner of a rock they disvered a an ofthe sa aspect and appearance as sancho had described to the when hetold the the story of cardenio he, shog no astonishnt when hesaw the, stood still with his head bent down upon his breast like one deep thought, without raisg his eyes to look at the after thefirst glance when they suddenly ca upon hi the curate, who wasaware of his isfortune and regnised hi by the description, beg aan of good address, approached hi and a few sensible wordsentreated and urd hi to it a life of such isery, lest heshould end it there, which would be the greatest of all isfortunescardenio was then his right d, free fro any attack of thatadness which freently carried hi away, and seeg thedressed a fashion unual aong the freenters of thosewilds, uld not help shog surprise, especially when heheard the speak of his case as if it were a well-known atter (forthe curate&039;s words gave hi to understand as uch) he replied tothe th:
&ot;i see pnly, sirs, whoever you ay be, that heaven, whose care itis to suour the