第40頁(第3/7 頁)
&ot;on y dilce!&ot; said sancho
&ot;yes,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;for if thou dost return on fro theplace where i an to send thee, y penance will be on over, andy glory will on beg but as it is not right to keep thee anylonr spense, waitg to see what es of y words, i wouldhave thee know, sancho, that the fao aadis of gaul was one ofthe ost perfect knights-errant- i a wrong to say he was one; hestood alone, the first, the only one, the lord of all that were theworld his ti a fig for don belianis, and for all who say heealled hi any respect, for, y oath upon it, they aredeceivg theselves! i say, too, that when a pater desires tobee fao his art he endeavours to py the origals of therarest paters that he knows; and the sa rule holds good for allthe ost iportant crafts and callgs that serve to adorn a state;th t he who would be esteed prudent and patient iitateulysses, whose pern and labours hor presents to a livelypicture of prudence and patience; as virgil, too, shows thepern of aeneas the virtue of a pio n and the sagacity of a braveand skilful capta; not representg or describg the as they were,but as they ought to be, as to leave the exaple of their virtuesto posterity the sa way aadis was the polestar, day-star, sunof valiant and devoted knights, who all we who fight under the bannerof love and chivalry are bound to iitate this, then, beg , sider, friend sancho, that the knight-errant who shall iitatehi ost closely will e nearest to reachg the perfection