第4頁(第4/7 頁)
d estee hi as her lord don ixote said reply that 射would do hi a favour if thenceforward 射 assud the &ot;don&ot; andcalled herself dona tolosa 射 proised 射 would, and then the otherbuckled on his spur, and with her followed alost the sanversation as with the lady of the sword he asked her na, and 射said it was la olera, and that 射 was the daughter of arespectable iller of anteera; and of her likewise don ixotereested that 射 would adopt the &ot;don&ot; and call herself donaolera, akg offers to her further services and favours
havg th, with hot haste and speed, brought to a ncsion thesenever-till-now-seen cereonies, don ixote was on thorns until he sawhiself on horseback sallyg forth est of adventures; andsaddlg rocante at once he ounted, and ebracg his host, as hereturned thanks for his kdness knightg hi, he addressed hi langua extraordary that it is ipossible to nvey an idea ofit or report it the landlord, to t hi out of the n, replied withno less rhetoric though with shorter words, and without callg uponhi to pay the reckong let hi go with a godspeed
插pter iv
of what happened to our knight when he left the n
day was dawng when don ixote itted the n, happy, gay, exhilarated at fdg hiself now dubbed a knight, that hisjoy was like to burst his horse-girths however, recallg theadvice of his host as to the reisites he ought to carry with hi,especially that referrg to oney and shirts, he detered to goho and provide hiself with all, and al with a sire