第18頁(第6/10 頁)
ill ake all these who call theselves his friends obey thee,though he be dead&ot;
&ot;i e not, abrosia for any of the purposes thou hast nad,&ot;replied arcela, &ot;but to defend yself and to prove how unreanableare all those who bla for their rrow and for chrysto&039;sdeath; and therefore i ask all of you that are here to give yourattention, for will not take uch ti or any words to brg thetruth ho to perns of sense heaven has ade , you say,beautiful, and uch that spite of yourselves y beautyleads you to love ; and for the love you show you say, and evenur, that i a bound to love you by that natural understandg whichgod has given i know that everythg beautiful attracts love, but icannot see how, by rean of beg loved, that which is loved forits beauty is bound to love that which loves it; besides, it ayhappen that the lover of that which is beautiful ay be ugly, andugless beg detestable, it is very absurd to say, &ot;i love theebecae thou art beautiful, thou t love though i be ugly&ot; butsupposg the beauty eal on both sides, it does not follow thatthe clations t be therefore alike, for it is not every beautythat excites love, but pleasg the eye without ng theaffection; and if every rt of beauty excited love and won the heart,the will would wander vaguely to and fro unable to ake choice of any;for as there is an fity of beautiful objects there t be anfity of clations, and true love, i have heard it said, isdivisible, and t be vontary and not pelled if this be ,