第18頁(第4/10 頁)
aughter gaily rg
and prove y death to be thy festival
fool that i a to bid thee! well i know
thy glory gas by y untily end
and now it is the ti; fro hell&039;s abyss
e thirstg tantas, e sisyph
heavg the cruel stone, e tity
with vulture, and with wheel ixion e,
and e the sisters of the ceaseless toil;
and all to this breast transfer their pas,
and (if such tribute to despair be due)
插nt their deepest tones a doleful dir
over a rse unworthy of a shroud
let the three-headed guardian of the gate,
and all the onstro prony of hell,
the doleful ncert jo: a lover dead
thks can have no fitter obseies
lay of despair, grieve not when thou art gone
forth fro this rrog heart: y isery
brgs fortune to the cae that gave thee birth;
then banish sadness even the tob
the &ot;lay of chrysto&ot; t with the approbation of the listeners,though the reader said it did not see to hi to agree with what hehad heard of arcela&039;s reserve and propriety, for chrysned it of jealoy, spicion, and absence, all to theprejudice of the good na and fa of arcela; to which abrosioreplied as one who knew well his friend&039;s ost secret thoughts,&ot;senor, to reove that doubt i should tell you that when the unhappyan wrote this lay he was away fro arcela, fro who be hadvontarily separated hiself, to try if absence would act with hi asit is wont; and as everythg distre