第74頁(第6/7 頁)
d y pany were placed, ca to its relief, and dog as was boundto do such a case, i leaped on board the eney&039;s galley, which,射erg off fro that which had attacked it, prevented y n frofollog , and i found yself alone the idst of yeneies, who were such nubers that i was unable to resist; short i was taken, vered with wounds; el u插li, as you know,sirs, ade his escape with his entire sadron, and i was left aprer his power, the only sad beg aong any filled withjoy, and the only captive aong any free; for there were fifteenthoand christians, all at the oar the turkish fleet, thatregaed their lond-for liberty that day
they carried to nstanle, where the grand turk, seli, adey aster neral at sea for havg done his duty the battle andcarried off as evidence of his bravery the standard of the order ofalta the follog year, which was the year seventy-o, i foundyself at navaro rog the leadg galley with the threelanterns there i saw and observed how the opportunity of capturgthe whole turkish fleet harbour was lost; for all the ares andjanizzaries that belond to it ade sure that they were about to beattacked side the very harbour, and had their kits and pasaaes,or shoes, ready to flee at once on shore without waitg to beassailed, great fear did they stand of our fleet but heavenordered it otherwise, not for any fault or neglect of the neralwho anded on our side, but for the ss of christendo, andbecae it was god&039;s will and pleasure that we should always havestrunts o