第17章 最不可思議的事 The Most Incredible Thing(第2/9 頁)
械物件 —— 它充滿生命活力並且抓住了所有看到它的人的想象力。
the modest craftsman makes a clock that is more than a mechanical thing—it pulses with life and captures the imagination of all who see it.
the work he produces mingles the secular with the sacred and the pagan with the christian: it brings together prophets and wise men, monks and muses.
Above all, it bees a second creation, a work with a life of its own and even a degree of immortality.
the clock and the figures in it, like the statue of psyche in Andersen’s story of that name, defy destruction and live on in a way that humans cannot. here, as in other tales, beauty transcends decay and destruction.
whosoever could do the most incredible thing was to have the King’s daughter and half of his kingdom.
the young men, yes, and the old ones too, bent their heads, their muscles, and their hearts upon winning.
to do what they thought was the most incredible thing, two ate themselves to death, and one died of overdrinking.
Even the boys in the street practiced spitting on their own backs, which they supposed was the most incredible thing anyone could