第13章 夜鶯 The Nightingale(第2/23 頁)
sumed significance and clarity”.
In a memoir published by charlotte bournonville, daughter of the famous ballet master who counted himself among Andersen’s friends, the following story (which Andersen may well have heard) is recounted:
one of my father’s dearest friends, a very musical young man, was seriously ill, and his sadness at not being able to hear Jenny Lind sing did quite a lot to make his condition even worse.
when Jenny learned that news, she cried:
允許我為這個重病的人唱歌吧!” 也許讓一個身患絕症的人經歷這樣一種情感體驗是一個危險的嘗試,但卻奏效了。
“dear mr.
bournonville, allow me to sing for this man who is so ill!” perhaps it was a dangerous experiment to expose a person who was mortally ill to such an emotional experience, but it worked.
在他聽到這美妙的歌聲之後…… 他正在康復的路上。
After he heard the beautiful singing... he was on the road to recovery.
the modesty, generosity, and passion of true art produced by those devoted to their craft contrasts sharply with the empty pleasure of an art as it is practiced by mechanical creatures, who can engage in little else but vacuous mimicry.
伊戈爾?斯特拉文斯基根據安徒生的故事創作的歌劇《夜鶯》於 1914 年在巴黎首演。
Igor Stravinsky’s opera the Nightingale, based on Anderse