首頁 > 其他小說 > 安徒生童話趙丹譯 > 第66章 亞麻 The Flax

第66章 亞麻 The Flax(第4/9 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 拒不認親:重生80帶全家逆襲豪門星芒契約師姐重生後,竟成了龍傲天?!我是你家千金靈魂手帳2魔女入仙門臥底,就這個攻略爽!仙道霸主古今來回穿,我囤貨養孫子暴富王妃遊街慘死後,全家後悔求原諒抗戰從淞滬會戰開始年代修仙:我有山海相伴王爺,王妃又去皇宮擺攤了七零嬌氣包又美又撩,首長他淪陷了雪落重生,不負君心重回80,從擺脫栽贓開始改寫人生重生獨美后,小皇叔跪求名分重生後我靠回檔封神頂流重生1998:開局打了班花,表白校花拿我當他替身,合約不續你倒追啥?重生歸來,貴女她不對勁


this certainly was not pleasant; but at last it was made into twelve garments of that kind which people do not like to name, and yet everybody should wear one.

“看呀,現在,” 亞麻說,“我已經變得很重要了。這就是我的命運;這可真是件幸事。現在我在世上能派上用場了,每個人都應該這樣;這是獲得幸福的唯一途徑。我現在被分成了十二塊,但這一整打(十二件)其實都是同一個東西。這可真是天大的好運啊。”

“See, now, then,” said the flax; “I have bee something of importance. this was my destiny; it is quite a blessing. Now I shall be of some use in the world, as everyone ought to be; it is the only way to be happy. I am now divided into twelve pieces, and yet we are all one and the same in the whole dozen. It is most extraordinary good fortune.”


Years passed away, and at last the linen was so worn it could scarcely hold together.

“它肯定很快就要完蛋了,” 這些碎片彼此說道,“我們本很樂意再堅持久一點的,但期望不可能的事是沒用的。”

“It must end very soon,” said the pieces to each other; “we would gladly have held together a little longer, but it is useless to expect impossibilities.”


And at length they fell into rags and tatters, and thought it was all over with them, for they were torn to shreds, and steeped in water, and made into a pulp, and dried, and they knew not what besides, till all at once they found themselves beautiful white paper.

“哎呀,現在,這可真是個驚喜;還是個很棒的驚喜呢,” 紙說道,“我現在比以往任何時候都要好,而且會有人在我上面寫字,誰知道會在我上面寫下什麼精彩的內容呢。”

“well, now, this is a surprise; a gl

