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第2章 小美人魚 The Little Mermaid(第2/23 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 王妃他又又又暈了快穿萬人迷:路人甲普女也有春天凹凸世界:我的馬甲全靠你們腦補白兔嬌又豔,糙漢首長夜夜潛回房廢材嫡女逆襲之鳳舞九天浮夢的人生路快穿:瘋批女配沉迷虐文劇本四合院:何雨柱波瀾壯闊的一生狼性小奶狗:姐姐,你要對我負責她那麼強,多幾個愛慕者怎麼了重生何雨柱攜天道系統歸來聖妃的十世為人快穿之別放過那個炮灰被逼婚後:覺醒了天賦分配了丈夫Seven日記盜墓筆記之陰兵降臨神豪系統,助力成為白富美快穿之路人甲奇幻之旅嬌軟在懷,大佬們心動難耐影視四合院我想做個好人

in unprecedented ways.


For all her passion for adventure and life, she is, despite her pagan nature, a creature of passion, unwilling to sacrifice the prince’s life for her own.


the spirited curiosity that impels her to seek out the world of humans is also precisely what defeats her, leading to the condition of suffering that travers found so troubling.

迪士尼動畫版的《小美人魚》(1989 年)與啟發它的故事有很大的偏離。

the animated disney version of “the Little mermaid” (1989) deviates sharply from the tale that inspired it.

它可能以一場婚姻幸福地結尾,但正如瑪麗娜?沃納所指出的,“女性慾望的問題在這部電影中占主導地位,這也許是它在小女孩中極受歡迎的原因:小美人魚愛麗兒口中說出‘想要’這個動詞的頻率比其他任何詞都高 —— 直到她的舌頭被割掉。”

It may end happily with a marriage, but as marina warner points out, “the issue of female desire dominates the film, and may account for its tremendous popularity among little girls: the verb ‘want’ falls from the lips of Ariel, the Little mermaid, more often than any other—until her tongue is cut out”.


Still, the disney version has in many ways kept Andersen’s story alive, even if it has a heroine and an ending radically different from the story that inspired it.



Far out in the ocean, where the water is as blue as the prettiest cornflower, and as clear as crystal, it is very, very deep;

