首頁 > 其他小說 > 安徒生童話趙丹譯 > 第6章 醜小鴨 The Ugly Duckling

第6章 醜小鴨 The Ugly Duckling(第2/22 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 王妃他又又又暈了快穿萬人迷:路人甲普女也有春天凹凸世界:我的馬甲全靠你們腦補白兔嬌又豔,糙漢首長夜夜潛回房廢材嫡女逆襲之鳳舞九天浮夢的人生路快穿:瘋批女配沉迷虐文劇本四合院:何雨柱波瀾壯闊的一生狼性小奶狗:姐姐,你要對我負責她那麼強,多幾個愛慕者怎麼了重生何雨柱攜天道系統歸來聖妃的十世為人快穿之別放過那個炮灰被逼婚後:覺醒了天賦分配了丈夫Seven日記盜墓筆記之陰兵降臨神豪系統,助力成為白富美快穿之路人甲奇幻之旅嬌軟在懷,大佬們心動難耐影視四合院我想做個好人

d personal inadequacy.

孩子弱小無力,常常被輕視對待,他們可能會認同安徒生筆下的這個 “醜陋” 的生物,它可能沒有什麼前途,但最終卻超越了那些看似有前途的。

Small, powerless, and often treated dismissively, children are likely to identify with Andersen’s “hideous” creature, who may be unpromising but who also, in time, surpasses the promising.

正如布魯諾?貝特爾海姆(bruno bettelheim)在《魔法的用途》(the Uses of Enchantment)中指出的那樣,安徒生筆下的主角不必接受通常強加給童話英雄的考驗、任務和磨難。

As bruno bettelheim points out in the Uses of Enchantment, Andersen’s protagonist does not have to submit to the tests, tasks, and trials usually imposed on the heroes of fairy tales.


“No need to acplish anything is expressed in ‘the Ugly duckling.’ things are simply fated and unfold accordingly, whether or not the hero takes some action”.


Andersen suggests that the ugly duckling’s innate superiority resides in the fact that he is of a different breed.


Unlike the other ducks, he has been hatched from a swan’s egg.

這種自然界中隱含的等級制度 —— 高貴的天鵝與穀倉裡的烏合之眾相對 —— 似乎表明尊嚴和價值,以及審美和道德上的優越性,是由天性而非成就決定的。

this implied hierarchy in nature—majestic swans versus the barnyard rabble—seems to suggest that dignity and worth, along with aesthetic and moral superiority, are determined by nature rather than by acplishment.


whatever the pleasures of a story that celebrates the trium

