第56章 牧羊女和掃煙囪的人 The Shepherdess and the Sweep(第3/10 頁)
dess, although he could not prove it.
he however assumed authority over her, and therefore when “major-general-field-sergeant-mander billy-goat’s-legs” asked for the little shepherdess to be his wife, he nodded his head to show that he consented.
“You will have a husband,” said the old chinaman to her, “who I really believe is made of mahogany. he will make you a lady of major-general-field-sergeant-mander billy-goat’s-legs. he has the whole cupboard full of silver plate, which he keeps locked up in secret drawers.”
“I won’t go into the dark cupboard,” said the little shepherdess. “I have heard that he has eleven china wives there already.”
“then you shall be the第十二個,” said the old chinaman. “to-night as soon as you hear a rattling in the old cupboard, you shall be married, as true as I am a chinaman;” and then he nodded his head and fell asleep.
then the little shepherdess cried, and looked at her sweetheart, the china chimney-sweep.
“我求求你,” 她說,“和我一起到外面的廣闊世界去吧,因為我們不能待在這兒了。”
“I must entreat you,” said she, “to go out with me into the wide world, for we cannot stay here.”
“你希望怎樣我就怎樣做,” 小掃煙囪的人說,“咱們馬上就走:我想憑我的手藝能養活你。”