第120頁(第2/7 頁)
rrow- though the surer way would be tolet everyone&039;s anr sleep, for nobody knows the heart of anyone,and a an ay e for wool and go back shorn; god gave his blessgto peace and his curse to arrels; if a hunted cat, surrounded andhard pressed, turns to a lion, god knows what i, who a a an, ayturn to; and fro this ti forth i warn you, sir sire, thatall the har and ischief that ay e of our arrel will be putdown to your aount&ot;
&ot;very good,&ot; said he of the grove; &ot;god will send the dawn and weshall be all right&ot;
and now gay-pad birds of all rts began to warble thetrees, and with their varied and glad notes seed to weleand sate the fresh orn that was begng to show the beauty of heruntenance at the gates and balnies of the east, shakg fro herlocks a profion of liid pearls; which dulcet oisture bathed,the plants, too, seed to 射d and shower down a pearly spray, thewillows distilled sweet anna, the fountas laughed, the brooksbabbled, the woods rejoiced, and the adows arrayed theselves alltheir glory at her g but hardly had the light of day ade itpossible to see and distguish thgs, when the first object thatpresented itself to the eyes of sancho panza was the sire of thegrove&039;s nose, which was big that it alost overshadowed his wholebody it is, fact, stated, that it was of enoro size, hooked the iddle, vered with warts, and of a ulberry lour like anegg-plant; it hung down o frs&039; length below his outh, and thesize, the lour, the warts, and the