第99頁(第4/7 頁)
xag and searchg the ancheganarchives order to brg it to light, save that they give hi thesa credit that people of sense give to the books of chivalry thatpervade the world and are popular; for with this he will nsiderhiself aply paid and fully satisfied, and will be enurad to seekout and produce other histories, if not as truthful, at least eal vention and not less entertag the first words written on theparchnt found the leaden box were these:
the acadeicians of
argaasilla, a villa of
la an插,
on the life and death
of don ixote of la an插,
hoc scripserunt
ongo, acadeician of argaasilla,
on the tob of don ixote
the scatterbra that gave la an插 ore
rich spoils than jan&039;s; who a pot keen
had to his wit, and happier far had been
if his wit&039;s weatherck a bnter bore;
the ar renowned far as gaeta&039;s shore,
cathay, and all the lands that lie beeen;
the e discreet and terrible ien
as ever wrote on brass days of yore;
he who surpassed the aadises all,
and who as naught the galaors aounted,
supported by his love and gallantry:
who ade the belianises sg sall,
and ught renown on rocante ounted;
here, underneath this ld stone, doth he lie
acadeician of argaasilla,
laude dulceae del tobo
射, whose full features ay be here descried,
high-bod, with a bearg of