第4部分(第7/8 頁)
t big meaty hands。 I suppose you'd notice his hands
regardless; but what makes you realize just how beefy
they are is his wedding ring。 That thing's never going to e off; and even though my
mother says that's how it should be; I think he ought to get it
cut off。 Another few pounds and that ring's going to amputate his finger。
When I went in to see him; those big hands of his were woven together; resting on the
newspaper in his lap。 I said; “Granddad? You wanted to
see me?”
“Have a seat; son。”
Son? Half the time he didn't seem to know who I was; and now suddenly I was “son”? I sat in
the chair opposite him and waited。
“Tell me about your friend Juli Baker。”
“Juli? She's not exactly my friend … !”
“Why is that?” he asked。 Calmly。 Like he had prior knowledge。
I started to justify it; then stopped myself and asked; “Why do you want to know?”
He opened the paper and pressed down the crease; and that's when I realized that Juli
Baker had made the front page of the Mayfield Times。
There was a huge picture of her in the tree; surrounded by a fire brigade and policemen; and
then some smaller photos I couldn't make out very
well。 “Can I see that?”
He folded it up but didn't hand it over。 “Why isn't she your friend; Bryce?”
“Because she's …” I shook my head and said; “You'd have to know Juli。”
“I'd like to。”
“What? Why?”