第69章 木偶戲藝人 The Puppet-Show Man(第2/9 頁)
this was a very unusual spectator for me, and I felt anxious to know who he was.
I heard that he was a member of the polytechnic Institution in copenhagen, who had been through sent out to lecture to the people in the provinces.
punctually at eight o'clock my performance closed, for children must go early to bed, and a manager must also consult the convenience of the public.
“At nine o'clock the lecturer menced his lecture and his experiments, and then I formed a part of his audience.
It was wonderful both to hear and to see.
the greater part of it was beyond my prehension, but it led me to think that if we men can acquire so much, we must surely be intended to last longer than the little span which extends only to the time when we are hidden away under the earth.
his experiments were quite miracles on a small scale, and yet the explanations flowed as naturally as water from his lips.
At the time of moses and the prophets, such a man would have been placed among the sages of the land; in the middle ages they would have burnt him at the stake.
“All night l