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第54章 小精靈山丘 The Elfin Hill(第1/13 頁)

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《小精靈山丘》,1845 年

the Elfin hill, 1845


A few large lizards were running nimbly about in the clefts of an old tree; they could understand one another very well, for they spoke the lizard language.

“小精靈山丘那邊嗡嗡響、轟隆隆的,可真吵啊,” 其中一隻蜥蜴說,“就因為這噪音,我已經兩夜沒能閤眼了;我還不如牙疼呢,因為牙疼也總是讓我睡不著覺。”

“what a buzzing and a rumbling there is in the elfin hill,” said one of the lizards; “I have not been able to close my eyes for two nights on account of the noise; I might just as well have had the toothache, for that always keeps me awake.”

“山丘裡面肯定在搞什麼名堂,” 另一隻蜥蜴說,“他們用四根紅柱子把山頂撐起來,一直撐到今天早上公雞打鳴,這樣裡面就徹底通了風,小精靈姑娘們也學了新舞蹈;肯定有什麼事兒。”

“there is something going on within there,” said the other lizard; “they propped up the top of the hill with four red posts, till cock-crow this morning, so that it is thoroughly aired, and the elfin girls have learnt new dances; there is something.”

“我跟我認識的一條蚯蚓說起過這事,” 第三隻蜥蜴說,“那條蚯蚓剛從小精靈山丘來,他在那兒的土裡日夜摸索。他聽到了很多事;雖然他看不見,可憐的傢伙,但他很清楚怎麼扭動著身子、偷偷摸摸地四處活動。小精靈山丘在等客人,還是很重要的客人呢;但客人是誰,蚯蚓不肯說,或者,也許他真的不知道。所有的鬼火都接到命令要到那兒去跳火炬舞,就是那種舞。山丘裡大量的金銀財寶都要擦拭乾淨,擺到月光下。”

“I spoke about it to an earth-worm of my acquaintance,” said a third lizard; “the earth-worm had just e from the elfin hill, where he has been groping about in the earth day and night. he has heard a great deal; although he cannot see, poor miserable creature, yet he understands very well how to wriggle and lurk about. they expect friends in the el
