首頁 > 其他小說 > 安徒生童話中文譯者 > 第43章 月亮看見的 What the Moon Saw 第十一晚到第二十晚

第43章 月亮看見的 What the Moon Saw 第十一晚到第二十晚(第2/23 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 王妃他又又又暈了快穿萬人迷:路人甲普女也有春天凹凸世界:我的馬甲全靠你們腦補白兔嬌又豔,糙漢首長夜夜潛回房廢材嫡女逆襲之鳳舞九天浮夢的人生路快穿:瘋批女配沉迷虐文劇本四合院:何雨柱波瀾壯闊的一生狼性小奶狗:姐姐,你要對我負責她那麼強,多幾個愛慕者怎麼了重生何雨柱攜天道系統歸來聖妃的十世為人快穿之別放過那個炮灰被逼婚後:覺醒了天賦分配了丈夫Seven日記盜墓筆記之陰兵降臨神豪系統,助力成為白富美快穿之路人甲奇幻之旅嬌軟在懷,大佬們心動難耐影視四合院我想做個好人


“It was the city of the dead; only Vesuvius thundered forth his everlasting hymn, each separate verse of which is called by men an eruption. we went to the temple of Venus, built of snow-white marble, with its high altar in front of the broad steps, and the weeping willows sprouting freshly forth among the pillars. the air was transparent and blue, and black Vesuvius formed the background, with fire ever shooting forth from it, like the stem of the pine tree. Above it stretched the smoky cloud in the silence of the night, like the crown of the pine, but in a blood-red illumination. Among the pany was a lady singer, a real and great singer. I have witnessed the homage paid to her in the greatest cities of Europe. when they came to the tragic theatre, they all sat down on the amphitheatre steps, and thus a small part of the house was occupied by an audience, as it had been many centuries ago.

舞臺依然沒有變化,有帶圍牆的側景和背景中的兩個拱門,觀眾透過拱門看到的是和古代一樣的景色 —— 一幅大自然自己繪製的景色,即索倫託和阿馬爾菲之間的山脈。歌手歡快地登上古老的舞臺,唱起歌來。這個地方給了她靈感,她讓我想起一匹狂野的阿拉伯馬,鼻孔噴氣、鬃毛飛揚地向前猛衝 —— 她的歌聲如此輕快卻又如此堅定。不一會兒,我想到了在各各他十字架下哀悼的母親,她的痛苦表情是如此深刻。就像幾千年前一樣,現在掌聲和歡呼聲充滿了劇院。“快樂的、有天賦的人!” 所有的聽眾都讚歎道。五分鐘後,舞臺空了,人群消失了,再也聽不到一點聲音 —— 所有人都走了。但是廢墟依然沒有變化,幾百年後它們還會這樣矗立著,那時沒有人會知道這短暫的掌聲和美麗的女歌手的勝利;當一切都被遺忘、消失的時候,甚至對我來說,這一刻也將只是一個過去的夢。”

“the stage still stood unchanged, with its walled side-scenes, and the two arches in the background, through which the beholders saw the same

